Ogre Battle RomMap by Character Number in Order of Offset for un-headered rom 7b50 pointers to compressed battle sprites, 3 bytes e068-e523 use avatar values at bottom of page E068 map icon starting with fighter icon 01 E0E6 magic animation pallette E128 magic animations E195 terrain battle (00 slow; 01 Water; 02 Shallow; 03 swamp; 04 snow; 05 mountains; 06 forest; 07 plains; 08 lowsky; 09 highsky) E2dA animation data E358 battle avatar use the chart value -1 E3F8 animation timing E459 Step Forward fra E4BE Step Forward bra E523 avatar palletes(2bytes) efF9 4 Lord Units F019 Other Units F079 4 Lord Units Fireseal F099 Other Units Fireseal 17d35 move type (00-High sky, 01-Low sky, 02-Plains, 03-Forest, 04-Mountain, 05-Snow, 06-Marsh, 07-Shallows, 08-Water, and 09-Slow) 17d9A weight 17dFF base cost 17eC9 extra cost per level 17f93 leadership flag 183CB princess extra attack exclusion bit check, 81=enemy or dead, 80=dead 1901E pointers to multiple attack groups 19030 cerberus 02 42 A8 = charm + fire 19033 08 62 66 68 6E 70 75 90 AE = Nova, Ice Cloud, Thunder, Evil Ring, Acid, Jihad, Gale, Lifesuck 1903C 02 42 A3 = Fire + Death 1903F 02 45 AA = Cold + Petrify 19045 05 60 64 68 6C 71 = Firewall, Icestorm, Thunder, Phantom, Gale 1904B 03 2C 6C 6D = Nightmare, PHantom, Meteor 1904F 02 00 62 = Fire Melee + Nova 19052 02 08 90 = Thunder Melee + Gale 19055 more multiple attack pointers 19061 AD 10 10 10 71 = Ianuki, 3 Slashes, Gale 19066 10 10 6E = 2 Chops, Evil Ring 19069 AC 10 10 = Blade + Physical Attack 1906C AF 0C 0C = Lunge + 2 Black Melee 1906F B0 0C 0C = Blast + 2 Black Melee 19072 6D 0C 0C = Meteor + 2 Black Melee 1BaE0 werewolf virus $10 1cc1E-1Cc39: "Animation on" "animation off" 1Cc65-1cc7A: "Winners" "Draw" (note that there's no "Lose") 1EaD4 npc classes Lans, Rauny.... 1EaEC list of particular classes with special battle animation instructions 1Eb10 special battle animation instruction for 1ECEC classes 1 byte 1Ec55 to 1EcCD character size routines 1ef91 Base HP 1F08B Hp/Level 1F0f0 Base Str 1F16D Str/Level 1F1d2 Base Agi 1F24F Agi/Level 1F2b4 Base Int 1F331 Int/Level 1F396 Base Cha 1F413 Base ali 1f490 Base Luk 1F50D # of attacks F+B 1F572 FR Attack 1F5D7 BR Attack 1F63C compatibility numbers 1F6A1 physical resistance 1F706 fire resistance 1F76B cold resistance 1F7D0 lightning resistance 1F835 black resistance 1F89A white resistance 1F8FF damage coefficient by terrain 1F962 unit location on battlefield 1F98B canvas size by character 1F9F0 secondary battle animation 1Fa55 pointers for front row animations 1Fc1F pointers for back row animations 1FcE7-1FE26 battle animation data 25dAD avatar subpalletes 2d173 stage clear goal 2byte entries 2D9A2 starts enemy group data with Castle of Warren 2E69F neutral encounters 3 per stage 3 bytes each "location code", "level" and "class" (see below) 2e83d group formations 7 bytes each 2E8C2 city data table 9 bytes per city, #FEFF = next stage 2 bytes pointer to list of names at $48000 2 bytes population 1 byte morale 1 byte compatibility # 1 byte store type 1 byte city type 1 byte base #ff or regular city #00 317A6 Stone of Dragos required class 317AD Stone of Dragos promoted class 317B9 Undead Staff required class 317C0 Undead Staff promotedd class 317CC Undead Ring 1st required class 317D7 Undead Ring 1st promotion class 317D0 Undead Ring 2nd required class 317E0 Undead Ring 2nd promotion class 317EC Blood Kiss 1st required class 317F0 Blood Kiss 2nd Required class 317F7 Blood Kiss promotion class 31803 Royal Crown required class 3180A Royal Crown promotion class 31813 Rotten Pumpkin required class 3181A Rotten Pumpkin promotion class 3181f promote subroutine 31970 vitality potion subroutine 319BB strength potion subroutine 319E5 speed potion subroutine 31A0F Tome of learning subroutine 31a39 Heart of Leo subroutine 31a63 Soul Mirror subroutine 31a8b Lucky Charm subroutine 31ab5 cure subroutine 31af5 heal subroutine 31bd5 ethereal flute subroutine 31c69 egg subroutine 31c87 full moon stone subroutine 31ed8 merchant ticket subroutine 31ef2 termites subroutine 31f62 moonbeam subroutine 31f93 sunshine subroutine 31fc6 glass pumpkin subroutine 31fe7 joker subroutine 32029 dowsing rod subroutine 32083 crystal ball subroutine 320d9 chime subroutine 32156 dinner bell subroutine 3219d 7league boots subroutine 32384 mass summons subroutine 32427 heal all subroutine 32525 persuasion subroutine 32613 open slot check 328f1 pointers to drawn tarot event 3291d pointers to stat names 32958 drawn tarot events 34110 pointers to demoplay class names 34148-3428A: Demoplay class names 342c4 pointers to demoplay attack names 34318-344C8: Demoplay attack names 384AE pointers to pointers for city events by stage 2 bytes 30 stages 384EA pointers to event codes 2 bytes 38782 pointer to events before the Boss Battle 387BE pointer to events after the Boss Battle 387FA pointer to pointers to Church Events by stage 38836 pointer to Church Events 3894c event instructions when landing on cities, 9=add following value to chaos frame, 21=check stage clear flag and jump number of instruction numbers, 1E=use following 2 bytes as pointer to event flag, 3Bd46 pointers to item names 3beD6 item names 3C479 pointer to city types 3C489 city types 3c4c9 yes/no 3c612 item value/5 3C7A3 item str bonus 3C808 item int bonus 3C86D item phys bonus 3C8D2 item fire bonus 3C937 item ice bonus 3C99C item elect bonus 3Ca01 item black bonus 3Ca66 item white bonus 3CaCA item shop data 5 bytes per stage 1 byte per item (see chart below item list) 3D661 terrain movement speed 2 byte each (10 movement types across x 20 terrain types down) 01=standding, 00=death, 300s=slow, 500s=high sky, higher than 0700 causes teleporting 3Db4F attack name display pointers to pointers 2bytes per character front/back followed by pointers to attack names 48000 city names following pointers per stage 4AbC2 pointers to recruit info 4Ac92 recruit info starting with fighter 4Ad4C pointers to promotion info 4ce16 promotions starting with fighter 4ceD4 Minimum level requirement 4cf21 Minimum alignment requirement 4cf6E Maximum alignment requirement 4cfBB Minimum charisma requirement 88d3C-8Ba2D: Character names (male, female, monster, boss, recruitable) 8Bb29-8beC5: Class names 8C0CD name group 0 male 1 female 2 beast 3 opinion leader 4 npc 8bf4A-8c0CB: Attack names #####-01-02-03-04-05-06-07-08-09-0A-0B-0C-0D-0E-0F-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-1A-1B-1C-1D-1E-1F-20-21-22-23-24-25-26-27-28-29-2A-2B-2C-2D-2E-2F-30-31-32-33-34-35-36-37-38-39-3A-3B-3C-3D-3E-3F-40-41-42-43-44-45-46-47-48-49-4A-4B-4C-4D-4E-4F-50-51-52-53-54-55-56-57-58-59-5A-5B-5C-5D-5E-5F-60-61-62-63-64-65-66-67-68-69-6A-6B-6C-6D-6E-6F-70-71-72-73-74-75-76-77-78-79-7A-7B-7C-7D 0E068 01 02 02 03 04 05 05 06 06 07 08 08 09 09 0A 0A 0B 0B 0C 0C 0C 0D 0E 0F 0F 0F 10 10 11 11 01 12 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 1A 1A 1A 1A 1B 1B 1C 1C 1D 1D 1E 1E 1F 1F 20 20 20 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 28 29 31 32 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Character #s listed after ##### (character designations for my mod in parentheses) 01-Fighter 02-Knight 03-Paladin 04-WildMan (Brute) 05-Evilone 06-Samurai 07-Samurai Master (Kensei) 08-Ninja 09-Ninja Master (Shinobi) 0a-Amazon 0b-Valkyrie 0c-Muse 0d-Beastman 0e-Beastmaster 0f-Dragoner 10-DragonMr 11-Dollmage 12-Doll Master (Alchemist) 13-Wizard 14-Mage 15-Sorcerer (Sorceress) 16-Lich 17-Witch 18-Cleric 19-Shaman 1a-Monk 1b-Mermaid 1c-Nixie 1d-Werewolf 1e-Tigerman 1f-Beastman (Lycan) 20-Vampyre 21-Coffin 22-Princess 23-Pumpkin 24-Halloween 25-Golem 26-Rockgolem 27-Irongolem 28-Giant 29-Icegiant 2a-Titan 2b-FireGiant (Banshee) 2c-Hellhound 2d-Cerberus 2e-Octopus 2f-Kraken 30-Dragon 31-Red D 32-Silver D 33-Black D 34-Red D II (Fire D) 35-Salamand 36-Gold D 37-PlatinumD 38-Tiamat 39-Zombie D 3a-Skeleton 3b-Wraith 3c-Ghost 3d-Phantom 3e-Hawkman 3f-Eagleman 40-Ravenman 41-Angel 42-Cherubim 43-Seraphim 44-Imp 45-Demon 46-Devil 47-Faerie 48-Pixie 49-Sylph 4a-Gryphon 4b-Cockatris 4c-Wyrm 4d-Wyvern 4e-Lord-sonic 4f-Lord-evil 50-Lord-good 51-Lord-thund 52-Rashidi 53-Diablo-Fire 54-Diablo-body 55-Diablo-Ice 56-Endora 57-Hikash 58-Gares 1 59-Gares 2 5a-Gares 3 5b-Castor 5c-Deuces 5d-Randals 5e-Apros 5f-Debonair 60-Figaro 61-Luvalon 62-Previa 63-Tristan 64-Debonair 65-Fogel 66-Ashe 67-Rauny 68-Aisha 69-Saradin 6A-Lans 6B-Lyon 6C-Warren 6D-Canopus 6E-Yushis 6F-Usar 70-Gilbert 71-Kapella 72-Sirius 73-Deneb 74-Porkyus 75-Norn 76-Ares 77-Albeleo 78-Mizal 79-Omicron 7A-Prochon 7B-Slust 7C-Fenril 7D-Galf =========================================== item #s 1=Sonic Blade - STR+13 2=Durandal - STR+12 3=Bizen Sword - STR+11 4=Zepyulos - STR+15,INT+3 5=Fafhniel - STR+20,INT+4 6=Zanzibar - STR+18 7=Brunhild - STR+20 8=Black Katana - STR+3 9=Sword of Slicing - STR+4 A=Mikado Sword - STR+8 B=Sword of Heroes - STR+11 C=Sword of Evil - STR+15 D=Ogre Blade - STR+20 E=Flame Sword - Str+6 F=Musashi Blade - Hero Musashi STR+12 10=Eskendale Blade - STR+15,INT+3 11=Ice Scimitar - STR+3 12=Ice Blade - Str+7 13=Peridat Sword - Str+11 14=Euros - STR+15,INT+3 15=Malachite Sword - STR+18,INT-4 16=Dwarven Sword - STR+7 17=Notos - STR+15,INT+3 18=Sigmund - Str+19 19=Broken Sword - STR+4 1A=Death Claws - STR+8 1B=Evil Blade - STR+8,INT+3 1C=Relic Sword - STR+24,INT-16 1D=Dragon's Claw - STR+5 1E=Pristine Sword - STR+8,INT+10 1F=Kusanagi Blade - STR+15 20=Karanborg - STR+17 21=Dragon Spear - STR+7 22=Benkay's Glaive - STR+12 23=Ozrich's Spear - STR+14,INT+7 24=Thunder Spear - STR+9 25=Boleas - STR+17 26=Ice Axe - STR+11 27=Black Axe - STR+16,INT-8 28=Rune Axe - STR+15 29=Battle Dagger - STR+3 2A=Fire Staff - INT+3 2B=Flame Flail - STR+4 2C=Thunder Whip - STR+6 2D=Demon Hammer - STR+12,INT-4 2E=Kukai's Rod - STR+8 2F=Mystic Mace - STR+2,INT+7 30=Liebel's Rod - INT+14 31=Lightning Bow - STR+7 32=Black Bow - STR+3,INT+2 33=Earth Charm - FIRE+3,ICE+3,ELEC+3 34=Elder Sign - STR+11,INT+5, BLACK+16,WHITE+14 35=Flame Charm - FIRE+5 36=Hydra's Fang - STR+4,PHYS+6,FIRE+8 37=Ice Charm - ICE+5 38=Byak's Fang - INT+7,ICE+12 39=Snow Orb - INT+11,FIRE-8,ICE+14 3A=Thunder Charm - ELEC+5 3B=Lightning Orb - STR+6,ELEC+17 3C=Black Charm - STR+8,INT-4,BLACK+13, WHITE-16 3D=White Charm - WHITE+5 3E=Angel's Wing - INT+16,PHYS+7,WHITE+23 3F=Ring of Power - STR+18,INT-7 40=Ring of Magic - STR-12,INT-16 41=Dragon Ring - STR+6,FIRE+14 42=Thunder Ring - STR+3,ELEC+15,WHITE+6 43=Engraved Ring - INT+11,BLACK+19,WHITE-11 44=Demon Ring - STR+21,BLACK+17,WHITE-15 45=Ring of Protection - INT+5,PHYS+12,WHITE+14 46=Battle Bugle - STR+2,PHYS+2 47=Ninja Garb - PHYS+3,BLACK+2 48=Samurai Armour - PHYS+5 49=Mail of Neil - PHYS+7 4A=Golden Mail - PHYS+12 4B=Mail of Earth PHYS+16,WHITE+7 4C=Houlou's Robe - PHYS+7,FIRE+11 4D=Snow Cape - PHYS+11,COLD+16 4E=Black Armour - PHYS+8,BLACK+4,WHITE-3 4F=Death's Cape - PHYS+13,BLACK+17,WHITE-11 50=White Garb - Light PHYS+4,WHITE+3 51=White Cape - PHYS+5,WHITE+13 52=Pirate's Helm - PHYS+2 53=Silver Helmet - PHYS+3,WHITE+1 54=Silver Tiara - PHYS+3,WHITE+8 55=Mystic Veil - FIRE+7,ICE+11,WHITE+5 56=King's Crown - PHYS+17 57=Burning Band - FIRE+6,ICE-4 58=Ice Bandana - FIRE-9,ICE+7 59=Thunder Helm - PHYS+5,ELEC+8 5A=Demon Mask - PHYS+4,BLACK+8,WHITE-6 5B=Royal Crown - PHYS+7,WHITE+13 5C=Iron Gloves - PHYS+2 5D=Thunder Club - PHYS+3,ELEC+4 5E=Spiked Shield - PHYS+6 5F=Power Shield - PHYS+19,FIRE-8,ICE-5 60=Honour Shield - PHYS+14,WHITE+7 61=Ogre Shield - PHYS+18,BLACK+21 62=Fire Shield - PHYS+9,FIRE+12 63=Cold Shield - PHYS+8,ICE+15 64=Nue's Shield - PHYS+7,ELEC+14 65=Ginger Cake - Baked by a bored but talented Monk 66=Black Lotus - Very potent in the making of potions 67=Olden Orb - One of the jewels of Fellana 68=Book of Good - The rules of behaviour for true warriors 69=Flashy Cape - A cape made fashionable by the masked gentleman Lexar 6A=Gnomish Nugget - A lump of gold containing the spirit of the Earth 6B=Beautiful Statue - A statue of an unknown magician 6C=Platinum Medal - A symbol of rank 6D=Mulmy's Map - A tresure map made by the Pirate Mulmy 6E=The Saga - A saga of ancient kings and kingdoms 6F=Sentoul Demon - A statue of the demon Sentoul 70=Battle Carving - An engraving of a battle of the gods 71=Font of Desire - A magic bowl 72=Wing of Victory - The seal the Kingdom of Zenobia 73=Forest Pendant - Containins a forest spirit 74=Mercury - An emblem of warriors who died for honour 75=Lemming Herbs - A magic herb 76=Zebra Fur - A very unique fur coat 77=Moon Rose - A white gem 78=Statue of Woe - A secret statue kept by a group of cultists 79=Song of Sodoh - A forbidden poem dedicated to the arch-demon Diablo 7A=Golden Goblet - An ornately designed goblet 7B=Gold Medal - A medal worn by an ancient officer 7C=Amatsu Statue - A mystic statue 7D=Dragon's Bones - Used to make magic items 7E=Golden Bough - Grows only on an island in the Eastern Sea 7F=Evil Censer - A beautifully decorated censer used in evil ceremonies 80=Rainbow Shell - A peice of the shell from the Rainbow Turtle 81=Star Fragment - A peice of a shooting star 82=Black Orc's Fur - A fur of an animal which lives in the Underworld 83=Beast Coin - The oldest known coin 84=Empress Cameo - A fashion accessory popular among nobles 85=FireSeal"What's this name written here? FIRESEAL?" 86=Key of Destiny - A symbol of the successor to the King of Zenobia 87=Gem of the Moors - A rare gem 88=Black Pearl - A rare gem accessory 89=Golden Beehive - A beehive filled with golden honey Said to cure any illness 8A=Big Trophy - A stuffed behemoth 8B=Tome of Myths - A record of the myths of the gods 8C=Dragon's Jewel - A rare gem found only in the nests of dragons 8D=Gem of Doun - A ruby the size of a walnut One of the jewels of Fellana 8E=Tablet of Yaru - A tablet engraved with the teachings of the Monk Yaru 8F=Book of the Dead - A massive volume said to contain the secrets of immortality 90=Gem of Truth - One of the jewels of Fellana 91=Sable Fur - A sable fur known as the "Living Night - 92=Relief Medallion - A medal worn by a general from the Ancient Kingdoms 93=Ivory Goddess - One of the works of the master carver Balkas 94=Box of Salvation - A box which can never be opened or broken 95=Solom's Chest - A jewelled box created by the Wizard Solom 96=Necronomicon - The greatest tome of evil 97=Stone of Dragos - using this stone on a BeastMaster he can understand dragons 98=Undead Staff - By using this on a Mage he can speak to the dead 99=Undead Ring - By using this on a Necromancer he joins the undead 9A=Blood Kiss - A symbol of the undead If you use it on a Knight ? 9B=Royal Crown - A crown which symbolizes royalty if you use it on an Amazonian? 9C=Rotten Pumpkin - A rotten pumpkin? Maybe if you use it on a Pumpkin Head ? 9D=Promotion - Raises a character one level 9E=Vitality Potion - Raises a character's max HP 9F=Strength Potion - A Raises a character's STR A0=Speed Potion - A Raises a character's AGI A1=Tome of Learning - A Raises a character's INT A2=Heart of Leo - Raises a character's CHA A3=Soul Mirror - Raises a character's ALI A4=Lucky Charm - Raises a characters LUK A5=Cure Potion - Heals one character 50 HP A6=Cure Stone - Heals one character 100 HP A7=Ethereal Flute - Restores a dead character A8=Summoning Chime - Calls forth a Neutral Unit A9=Cure Ankh - Cures 100 HPs for each character in a Unit AA=Egg of Wonder - Find out what grows inside by cracking it open AB=Full Moon Stone - Summons forth a weretiger AC=Joker Tarot - Will be randomly inscribed upon use AD=Dinner Bell - Sends one unit back to the Rebel Base AE=Dowsing Rod - Shows the location of one buried treasure AF=Trade Ticket - Summons a mysterious merchant B0=Mass Summons - Sends all friendly units to the location of the Opinion Leader B1=Persuasion Spell - Wins one enemy unit over to the side of the Rebels B2=7 League Boots - Will warp a single Unit to any freed town or temple B3=Termites - A bag of hungry termites B4=Moonbeam - Changes day into night B5=Ray of Sunshine - Changes night into day B6=Crystal Ball - Shows the location of a hidden city or temple B7=Glass Pumpkin - Allows one to summon forth Pumpkin Heads B8=Star of Heroes - An emblem which may only be obtained by a Hero B9=Bell of Light - Will bring life to cold stone BA=Grail - One of the 3 Mystic Treasures BB=Mystic Armband - One of the 3 Mystic Treasures BC=Garnet - The first Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Rulership BD=Amethyst - The second Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Reverance BE=Aquamarine - The third Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Peace BF=Diamond - The fourth Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Wisdom C0=Emerald - The fifth Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Leadership C1=Pearl - The sixth Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Constancy C2=Ruby - The seventh Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Honour C3=Peridot - The eigth Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Knowlege C4=Sapphire - The ninth Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Victory C5=Opal - The tenth Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Compassion C6=Topaz - The eleventh Stone of the Zodiac.. Signifies Prosperity C7=Turquoise - The twelfth Stone of the Zodiac..Signifies Royalty C8=Gem of All - A symbol of Betrayal Contains great destructive powers shop data(use item #s above) 3caCA A5 A6 AD A7 B0 Castle of Warren 3caCF A5 A6 AD A7 B0 Sharom Border 3caD4 A5 A6 A7 AC B0 Sharom District 3CaD9 A5 A6 AD A7 B0 Pogrom Forest 3CaDE A5 A6 AD A7 B5 Lake Jansenia 3CaE3 A5 A6 AD A7 B5 Deneb's Garden 3CaE8 A5 A6 A9 A7 AC Slums of Zenobia 3CaED A5 A6 AD B0 88 Island Avalon 3CaF2 A5 A6 AD A7 B2 Kastolatian Sea 3CaF7 A5 A6 B2 7E 89 Diaspola 3CaFC A5 A6 A9 A7 B4 Kalbian Peninsula 3Cb01 A5 A6 A9 AD A7 Valley of Kastro 3Cb06 A5 A6 A9 AD A7 Balmorian Ruins 3Cb0B A6 A9 AD B2 B1 City of Malano 3Cb10 A6 A9 AD B2 B4 The Tundra 3Cb15 A6 A9 A7 B0 B5 Antalia 3Cb1A A6 A9 AD A7 AC Shangrila 3Cb1F A6 A9 AD A7 B2 Fort Allamoot 3Cb24 A6 A9 AD AC B4 Dalhuhd Desert 3Cb29 A6 A9 AD AC B4 The Rhyan Sea 3Cb2E A6 A9 AD A7 AC Fort Shulmana 3Cb33 A6 A9 AD AC B4 Shrine of Kulyn 3Cb38 A6 A9 A7 B2 8B City of Xanadu 3Cb3D A6 A9 A7 AC B5 Zetegenia 3Cb42 A6 A9 AD A7 AC TempleShalina 3Cb47 A6 A9 A7 AC B1 Organa 3Cb4C A6 A9 A7 AC B1 Dragon's Haven 3Cb51 A6 A9 A7 AC AE Shiguld, The Ruined City 3Cb56 A6 A9 A7 AC B6 Antanjyl ****2E69F neutral encounters 3 per stage 3 bytes each "location code", "level" and "class"*** following are location codes 00 light water; 01 dark water; 02 shoals; 03 Plains; 04 Snowfield; 05 Forest; 06 Snowy Forest; 07 Ruins; 08 Marsh; 09 mountain; 0A mountain base; 0B Snowy mountain; 0C Volcano; 0D Cliff; 0E Desert; 0F road; 10 snowy road; 11 sky; 12 walls 13 town 2e69F|11-08-30|11-08-4c|11-08-4b|Castle of Warren 2E6A8|01-03-3e|09-01-30|05-03-25|Sharom Border 2E6B1|01-04-2e|09-04-4a|09-04-28|Sharom District 2E6BA|05-09-3a|09-06-44|05-09-3C|Pogrom Forest 2E6C3|01-05-40|09-05-1D|01-05-2E|Lake Jannenia 2E6CC|09-01-23|0A-05-30|05-08-47|Deneb's Garden 2E6D5|01-09-2E|05-07-30|09-09-2C|Slums of Zenobia 2E6De|01-0A-1B|01-0A-2E|01-0A-41|Island Avalon 2E6E7|01-09-2E|09-0B-44|0C-0A-2B|Kastolatian Sea 2E6F0|0A-09-32|0A-0A-29|01-0A-41|Diaspola 2E6F9|0A-0B-32|0A-0B-29|05-0B-26|Kalbian Peninsula 2E702|09-0C-31|07-0D-33|0D-0E-4C|Valley of Kastro 2E70B|08-0F-3B|05-0C-33|07-0A-26|Balmorian Ruins 2E714|01-0F-4D|01-0E-3E|01-0F-2B|City of Malano 2E71D|0B-0F-29|0B-0E-32|0B-0F-41|The Tundra 2E726|08-14-3D|07-14-3B|09-10-2D|Antalia 2E72F|11-12-3F|11-12-42|11-12-4A|Shangrila 2E738|09-12-31|0E-11-38|01-11-2F|Fort Allamoot 2E741|09-11-34|00-12-2B|05-13-4C|Dalhuhd Desert 2E74A|09-14-48|01-13-2F|00-13-1C|The Rhyan Sea 2E753|0C-17-35|01-17-2F|08-19-3D|Fort Shulmana 2E75c|01-17-2F|09-17-2D|05-17-48|Shrine of Kulyn 2E765|05-18-37|02-14-4B|0B-17-29|City of Xanadu 2E76E|05-18-38|01-18-40|0A-18-2D|Zetegenia 2E777|06-19-36|01-19-43|06-19-29|Temple Shalina 2E780|09-0F-31|09-0F-2B|09-0F-40|Muspelm 2E789|00-0F-27|09-0E-45|09-0E-2D|Organa 2E792|09-13-34|09-13-36|09-13-38|Shiguld, The Ruined City 2E79B|08-10-1E|01-10-20|06-10-1D|Antanjyl 2E7A4|02-12-37|07-12-39|09-12-35|Dragon's Haven Avatar Values E068-E358(for map icons and battle animations) 01 Fighter 02 Knight 03 Wildman 04 Evilone 05 Samurai 06 Ninja 07 Amazon 08 Valkyrie 09 Beastman 0a Dragoner 0b Puppeteer 0c Wizard 0d Lich 0e Witch 0f Cleric 10 Mermaid 11 Wolfman 12 Vampire 13 Coffin 14 Princess 15 Pumpkn 16 Golem 17 Giant 18 Hellhound 19 Octopus 1a Dragon 1b FireD 1c ColdD 1d ZombieD 1e Skeleton 1f Ghost 20 Hawkman 21 Angel 22 Imp 23 Faerie 24 Gryphon 25 Wyvern 26 Lord male 27 Lord female 28 Wiseman 29 DiabloFoot 2a Queen 2b Hilander 2c Gares 2d Gemini 2e Dandy 2f General 30 Dragoon 31 DiablosHead 32 DiablosFoot 33 diabloHead